අපේ දැක්ම
ගුණ නැණ බෙලෙන් පිරි මිනිසෙකු බිහිකිරිම අපේ අරමුණයි
මෙහෙවර ප්රකශය
මානව සංහතියේ යහ පැවැත්ම සඳහා තම
මෙහෙවර ඉටුකල හැකි මිනිසුන් පිරිසක් ගොඩනගමු.
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Marassana primary school
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Marassana town
මහ මාරස්සන ජාතික පාසලේ - 2019 නිවාසාන්තර මළල ක්රීඩා උළෙල උත්කර්ෂවත්ව පැවැත්වුනි
13 වසරක අඛණ්ඩ අධ්යාපන වැඩසටහනේ ප්රථම කණ්ඩායම
ආයතනික පුහුණුව සඳහා
පාසලෙන් සමුගෙන යාමේ උත්සවය
බාලදක්ෂ නිල ලාංඡන පැළඳවීමේ උත්සවය 2018
දින අධ්යන කටයුතු ආරම්භ කල, නවක 6 ශ්රේණියට ඇතුලත්වූ සිසුන්ට පාසලේ උණුසුම් සුබ පැතුම්
ශිෂ්ය නායකය
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New subject stream to GCE A/L for 13-year continuous education
The Ministry of Education has taken measures to introduce a new subject stream to GCE A/L syllabus. This subject stream is introduced to provide 13-year continuous education for all students, disregarding their performances at the GCE O/L exam.
The project will be implemented as a pilot project from 2017 October and by 2019 the project will cover the entire school year.
This stream is referred as the Professional Curriculum, which consists two parts as General Curriculum and Applied Curriculum.
General curriculum will cover nine main subjects and it is compulsory to complete this subject stream within the first six months of the academic year.
The General Curriculum subjects are as follows;
- First Language (Sinhala or Tamil)
- Applied English and Communication Skills Development
- Aesthetics and related skills
- Information and Communication Technology skills
- Citizenship Education and related skills
- Health and life skills necessary for social well-being
- Entrepreneurship skills
- Sports and other related activities
- Career guidance programs
The intention of this Common Curriculum stream is to assure the personality and other basic skills necessary for the practical workings of the students.
Thereafter, students will be allowed to choose one subject from the Applied Curriculum stream which will be completed during the remaining 18 months of the academic year.
Applied Curriculum subjects are as follows;
- Child Psychology and care
- Health and Social Care
- Physical Education ad Sports
- Performing Arts
- Event Management
- Arts and Crafts
- Interior Designing
- Fashion Designing
- Graphic Designing
- Art and Designing
- Landscaping
- Applied Horticultural Studies
- Livestock Product Studies
- Food Processing Studies
- Aquatic Resource Studies
- Plantation Product Studies
- Construction Studies
- Automobile Studies
- Electrical and Electronic Studies
- Textile and Apparel Studies
- Metal Fabrication Studies
- Aluminum Fabrication Studies
- Software Development
- Web Development
- Tourism and Hospitality
- Environmental Studies
13 years education
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tharushi | maheshi | dinithi |
rashini | Shanika | kanchan |
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